Monday, June 30, 2008

A Day at the Beach!!

On Sunday we went to Clear Lake (about 12 minutes from Garner) to go to the beach and have a picnic and go swimming!! It was SUCH a perfect day out too! I thought it would be a little cool since it was pretty windy out but the wind turned warm and the sun was shinning most of the day! It was so much fun to go as a family and just hang out, the kids had a blast!! We had our picnic and then walked around the beach for a little while looking at the neat houses along the water and looking at the ducks, etc and then we came back to the beach and went swimming and then walked around the cute town of Clear Lake. It was a perfect day!!
We started off the day with a picnic!! It was the perfect picnic meal with pb&j sandwiches, grapes, bananas, potato salad, & chips! The weather was perfect (a little windy but it felt good when the sun was out!!)

Caedmon eating his sandwich. Brayan had fallen asleep in the car so we just moved his car seat to the stroller and he slept for quite a while!

The cruise boat they take out every few hours for paying riders. It was actually closed for this day because of the wind out on the lake.

I think he's a little too short yet....

Tiernan getting ready to go swimming!

Yes, that is Caedmon in the water!!! This is we pulled up into our parking space right when we got to the beach, Caedmon started bawling b/c he saw the water! We were like 'ok've been in the bathtub, you can be in here!, you're obsessed with playing in the toilet whenever we aren't looking, so just pretend it's a big toilet!" He still didn't like it until I got him down by the water and asked him 'do you want to get down?' and to my surprise, he nodded his head yes!!! So I set him down and he started throwing sand right away...yay!!

Here he is getting a bit more brave....

Beach Bums :)

Where's Bray Bray??


Mmmm...that ice cream was good!!

There was this fountain thing that randomly sprayed water really high up so some kids had a good time doing that. It was fun to watch.

The picture below is of a ampi-theater thing that they have in the park where a band was performing. There were tons of people sitting in lawn chairs, etc watching their performance.

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