Thursday, July 3, 2008

Have a Happy Fourth!!

Just a quick post here..... Nathan's last day of work for the week is today (and hopefully he'll get off early!) and then he'll have the weekend to relax!! Nathan's parents are coming to visit later in the day and are staying until Saturday. They have to bring their own bed, blankets, chairs to sit on for the parade, etc b/c we only have the bare essentials here, but they wanted to come anyway!! There will be a parade in Clear Lake tomorrow and then the carinval (rides, etc) is going on along with a craft show. It should be a good time! We will also probably go back to the beach since the first time was so much fun! Then Saturday morning, Nathan and Mary are planning to go strawberry picking so I'm excited to get more strawberries!!

Yesterday we went into Clear Lake to meet my sister, husband and family at the Dairy Queen. They are on their way to MN from Arkansas and go right thru Clear Lake, so they planned it so they could eat lunch there and meet with us! I have not seen my sister and her kids since last a year ago June and I haven't seen John since a year ago March, so they both got to meet Brayan for the first time!! They plan on staying in MN for about 3 weeks! (John has to go back to Arkansas to run his business during that time, but then is coming back again next weekend for a family reunion! The reunion will be at my parents house and almost ALL of my family BOTH SIDES will be there camping out in my parents yard!! (aunts, uncles, cousins..the whole works!...although i do only have FIVE cousins total on both sides put together!! :)
Meeting at the DQ was a good time!! It was funny because my sister's kids are 6, 4, and 2 and then I had my 3 kids of course, along with 4 adults (Me, Leah, John, and John's brother Darren). We all walked into the Dairy Queen and while standing in line, this old man kinda got caught up in all the kids and ended up tripping Tiernan (by accident). So while he made his way out of the DQ, Darren was just coming in and laughing. He said as that man was leaving, he was grumbling to himself saying "6 kids...who would bring 6 kids to the dairy queen...6 kids...grumble grumble" :) We thought it was funny. At least the man could count!!

Well, here is the only pic I took at the DQ (I should have taken more!) but it is of Abi (6) and Tiernan. (Leah with their dog Bella and Caedmon in the background.)

Have a Happy Independence Day!!

1 comment:

  1. We forgive you for not taking more pictures. You DID have 6 kids at the Dairy Queen, after all :)
