Monday, August 4, 2008

Brayan's pics

We were playing outside on the front lawn...our favorite thing to do now, especially since it's right outside Ms. Donna's door! She is the 81 yr old widow who lives below us. She is SUCH a sweetheart and she ADORES my kids! So she comes out to sit with me while the boys play. And she aknowledges every little thing they do and praise them for everything they give her (rocks, leaves, etc) so they really like her :) I brought my camera out the other day and snapped some pics of Brayan (which was a little difficult because it was really windy and he is ON THE MOVE but here are some I thought turned out SO cute! Maybe these will be his 1 yr pics. Enjoy!

What a cute smile!

He's into sucking on his top lip...this pic shows him doing it :) Still cute though...

Mid-step! He was chasing me so it was hard to get far enough away from him to take the pic before he would come clobber me!

This is my absolute favorite!!! LOVE the pose...good job Brayan!

" See ya later Mom!"

Had to include a pic of these boys too! This was before we got in the van to go to church, Brayan wouldn't sit still for the pic but he too was in plaid with khaki shorts :)

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