Friday, August 15, 2008

Fairs and Parks

Last week Wednesday I woke up and couldn't turn my head to the right or tip it back! I figured I needed to go see my chiropractor in St. Cloud. I was getting the kids ready to leave when I thought that it would be a lot easier if Nathan came with me. I called him and he said to wait until the evening and then if it didn't get any better, that we could leave Wed night when he got home from work and he'd take the day off on Thursday. That way he could get adjusted too and we could do a few things that we needed to do in St Cloud anyway.

So we drove to Nathan's parents house on Wed night and since I got a book at the library and read it out loud on the way, the 3 hour trip never went by SO fast!! WOW! I was like 'we are there already?? When usually I'm saying...ugh, this trip is taking forever! :) So that was nice. (By the way, the book was called House by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker--they are Christian authors and if you like scary, thriller type books, then you'd love this one!)

Thursday we saw the chiropractor and did our errands and even made it to the Benton County Fair! We wanted to take the kids there to see the animals and stuff. It was super fun watching them have such a good time looking at all the cows, pigs, birds, etc. We came back home Thursday evening. It was a quick, but enjoyable, trip to St Cloud.

Yesterday, the kids and I went to Clear Lake to play in the park with a lady and her kids that we met at church a couple Sundays ago. She also called a friend that she knew, so there were 3 of us moms there with their kids. Courtney's kids were Breelyn (3) and Newt (2 mos) and Jenny's kids were McKenna (almost 3) and Emma (5 mos). It was SUCH a gorgeous day, couldn't have asked for better weather! We played on the playground for a little while and then had a picnic on the picnic tables. We brought lots of yummy food so that was really fun! Then we went down by the beach to let the kids play in the splash pad and cool themselves off a little.

That's about all going on with us this week. We are talking about moving back to Luverne after labor day so we'll see how that progresses and I'll keep ya posted!
The 4 older kids--Caedmon, Tiernan, Bree, and McKeena

Tiernan getting ready to run when water comes shooting up from that hole!

Tiernan playing by the water and Caedmon keeping a safe distance away :)

Cowboy Tiernan....he LOVES this hat!

At the fair with the baby goats

Don't ask why this is sideways!....Tiernan by the baby pigs

Dirty Brayan at the park

SO cute! Caedmon and Tiernan (Caedmon learned how to say 'cheese' during pictures :)

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