Saturday, May 2, 2009


We made it! It was a long, seemingly endless drive here, but we made it!

My parents got to Luverne on Wednesday night around 10:45pm and we hit the hay to get ready for the big move on Thursday. Since we had to drive to Sioux Falls to get our moving truck, we wanted to get an early start. We got back with the truck around 10:30am and starting loading it up. It took us the rest of the morning and early afternoon and by 3:00pm we hit the road, Nebraska or bust!!! We got that truck pretty packed (we rented a 16 foot truck) and my dad joked that if we even buy so much as another toothbrush while we are here, we will have to rent a bigger truck when we move out! :)

We made one stop in a parking lot on the side of the highway right before Sioux City so Ariella could eat (and the boys ran around for a little bit!) but other than that, we drove straight through. We arrived in Seward about 7:45ish, making the trip almost 5 hours. Wow...was I glad to get out of the van!

I do have to say though that my kids were the best they have ever been in the car! They hardly made a sound and didn't complain at all! Caedmon I was especially surprised at, he's usually our extremely fussy/whinny one in the car but he hardly said boo! I had to check a couple times to make sure he was still breathing, but yes, he was just sitting their being content! Thank you Lord!! That made the trip a lot more bearable.

And just to make things a little more exciting (we need excitement in our lives, right?!?) Nathan was trying to find us a different rental while we were on our way down there! He just doesn't like the idea of having to sign a lease for longer than we might need the place since we really never know how long a job will be, but there wasn't anything available with a shorter lease. So not until an hour or so into our drive, I still didn't know where I was for surely moving to! Have I ever said it's nice to be here?

Speaking of here....yes, our house....I like it! It has tons of space and TONS and TONS and TONS of storage room!! There are 3 bedrooms, a full bath, the kitchen, dining and living room and a gazillion storage closets upstairs (ok, there's 3 but it seems like a gazillon b/c they are huge and I have tons of cupboards in the kitchen AND us more room than we know what to do with! Then downstairs there is a BIG rec room, laundry room, 3/4 bath, and another bedroom. So when my parents stayed here, they got the 'guest suite' downstairs! Then outside there's a carport off the house (with storage space in it!), a 2 car garage (with storage space and a nice work bench nathan's made into a place for his weights (did you imagine anything different?!) and a storage shed. Have I mentioned that we have a lot of storage space?!

I took a few pics of the rooms we have unpacked, the others will hopefully be up soon...I have a little work to do first though :) Email me if you want our know, in case you want to send us something!

The scenery pretty much the whole way to Seward.

What I stared at the whole almost 5 hours.....

What Ariella did on Friday while unpacking....

G & G with the kids

I finally took the jump-o-lene out of the box! (Tiernan got it for a gift TWO Christmases ago!) We have plently of room for it now and it was a great hit with the kids, they love it!

My three peas :)

You can't really tell with this pic how long the rec room is, but it's long!

Bathroom downstairs

Kitchen from hallway

kitchen from door from carport

from dining room (the door in the back on the left goes to the carport and if you would turn right instead of going to the carport, you'd go down the stairs---which are very steep and long and which both of the little boys have fallen/tumbled down already...they'll learn!

living room from by front door

from living room to hallway...the door in the lower right corner is a closet, the first 2 doors on the left are storage, the door on the right is C & T's room, the door straight ahead is B's room, the door next to that is our room and then the bathroom is next to our room (you cant see that door)

from hallway (if youd turn right from where i'm standing, youd go into the kitchen

living room

little reading space in living room (taken by front door)

dining room (from front door/living room)

The front....pretty, huh? :)

front lawn


1 comment:

  1. Very cool ! Good luck in your new place from France. As for myself I start my new job on Monday. Alban
