Wednesday, April 29, 2009

U-haul Out of Trucks?!?!

Since when is U-haul out of trucks?!?!? Well, that's what the nice not-so-nice lady on the phone was telling me. I made a reservation last week for a 17 ft truck and they don't have one...not even close to Luverne. The closest one was an hour and 5 minutes away, according to mapquest. No thanks. I'm not driving over 2 hours to get a U-haul, are you crazy?!?

The biggest size was available in Sioux Falls, but a 26 ft truck for us is a little over-kill plus I don't want to pay for all that gas! The next smallest truck was a 14 ft truck and the closest one to us was over 45 minutes away! So before I canceled with U-haul, I wanted to make sure there was a truck somewhere that I could get, without driving a gazillon miles! I called Penske out of Sioux Falls and to make a long story short, was able to get a truck!

But here's the cool thing....the truck from U-haul would have cost $156 and with Penske it was $144 because I asked for the online discount. So they gave me 20% off the original price. Then after I was off the phone with the Penske rep, I called the actual office in SF to make sure my truck would be there since U-haul kinda freaked me out. The guy assured me it would be there and after telling him my sob story of how I'm moving by myself and my husband's already moved and I have 4 little kids, and how U-haul stinks, and how I have to wait for a driver to come get the truck, sob, sob frustrating situation, he said that he was going to knock down the rate to $99 for my "inconvience". Are you kidding?? Sweet! It was really an inconvience because of U-haul but if Penske wants to give me a discount too...well, hey, I'm not stopping them!

Plus, since U-haul stinks, they are supposidly mailing me $50 because I canceled with them because they didn't have my truck. That brings the total truck rental down to $49! Pretty sweet, huh??

So yesterday morning was spent on the phone with those places instead of packing...ugh. BUT, I still have almost everything packed so I should be set to go tomorrow!

And how was I able to get so much stuff done yesterday even though half my day was spent dealing with stinky U-haul?? Because Jen was kind enough to watch my boys for most of the day!! I brought them over shortly after 9am and she brought them back at 6:15! WOW! That was nice! Thank you Jen!!

I'm going to be canceling my internet tomorrow and I'm not sure how fast they will be with hooking it up in Seward so it might be a few days until I post again. I hear they have a new library in Seward with all the latest stuff so if I can, maybe I'll sneek over there sometime and use their wireless internet.

For now, I'll say "Good-bye Luverne---Good-bye Wendlands (Jen)---Good-bye Karen (our egg & meat lady)---Good-bye Crazy Acres (milk), Good-bye Clyde (great signs & cheap oil changes!)you will all be greatly missed!!!"

Now on to Nebraska!!!.......

"Visit the new GM dealership at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave"
I realized that it's been awhile since I've posted Clydes clever signs! Here are a couple I took in the last few weeks. (It was raining out when I took the pic above, sorry 'bout the blur). Last time we were in there, I told Clyde how we look forward to his signs each week and he says that he fights the city constantly to have those signs since it's illegal to have it up. I told him that if he were mayor, he'd change that law right? (remember he ran for mayor in nov?) and he said that they (city offcials) could change it but they don't because they say it's worked for the last 30 yrs so why change what's been working? Well, then he brings up that taxes that we paid 30 yrs ago and salaries for city officials 30 yrs ago worked just fine too so why don't we just keep those the same as they were?? Then, he said, they get a little snippy :) Gotta love Clyde!
He recently has a sign up that I didn't get a pic of that I wish I had. It went like this:
401k, 301k, 201k, 101k, okay-I'm broke!
(Jen, I put you in charge of taking pics of the signs each week and emailing them so I can post them on here! :)

Jen over saying good-bye...with Tiernan and Ariella

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