Monday, April 27, 2009

Did You Actually Think We Were Moving To Columbus?!?

HAHAHAHA!!!! That would be too easy! tell you something and then actually stick with it! HA! No, no, no...we can't be that simple! We, as of about 8pm tonight, are now moving to Seward Nebraska, not Columbus.

How'd we pull that off you ask?? Well, it went like this.....

I woke up this morning about 2:45am to see Nathan off. He left around 3am to go to work in Columbus. Once he got there, they put him on the 'hauling poles' crew that shows up for work in Milford, which is about an hour and 20 mins south of Columbus. Well, that won't work! He did not want to drive that far each way to work when his work days will already be 10+ hours per day, 6 days a week. Then he found out that even the guys that are showing up in Columbus will only be showing up there for about 6 more weeks, then they will move south as well. Therefore it only made sense to try to find a place in the middle-ish of the two show up sites...which put us about at Seward!

I got a call from him this morning and it started like this, Nathan says "Well, uh..." and then he kinda chuckles.....NOT what I wanted to hear. So, 3 days before we are moving, we (again!) don't know where we will be living. I dreaded having to start my search online for real estate in Seward, if there were any rentals, yada yada yada....but it was a lot easier than expected! I only had to make 3 phone calls!!

Nathan was able to check out a place tonight and after some 'himming and hawing', he decided that he would tell the guy we would take it. What is it you ask??? (you guys are asking a lot of questions tonight!! :) First, I'll say that it's a.....HOUSE!!! Whoo hoo!! Then I will say that it was built in 1965 and it has 4 bedrooms (3 up, 1 down), 2 baths (1 up, 1 down), all appliances (including a washer and dryer!), a huge rec room downstairs (that Nathan said would be perfect for the boys!), tons of storage space, a 2 car detached garage and a car port right off the house, and a yard! Sounds great to me!! Nathan's worried that I won't like it or something, but I think I can handle it, especially with the laundry room and rec room!....sweet!

And the guy even let Nathan move in tonight so he didn't have to pay for a hotel!! AND the Columbus guys are giving us our deposit back...that was very nice of them.

The only bad part about this house was the price, it's more expensive than we would like to pay, especially for a rental....but I think having some more space, having a little yard for the kids to play in, having my own laundry room, having storage space, a garage, etc will make up for least for a little while :)

So I think this is where we will be staying :)

Gettin' there....lots of messes!!

What did Ariella do while most of the packing was going on today??

...this... :)

What did the boys do while most of the packing was going on today??

...this... :) The closet was all cleaned before Caedmon and Brayn got in there...ugh..

I let Caedmon and Brayan have their nuks and blankets today hoping they'd be good for me...

...little stinkers... :)

Trying to keep them entertained with a movie. And don't ask what Tiernan is trying to do...the splits maybe??

Right after they found Daddy in the cupboard while playing hide 'n seek...that tricky Daddy!

Sweet Ariella with our midwife Joy (oh, by the way she was 8 lbs 14 oz and 21-1/2 inches long! scale was off at home....AND she even peed ALL over me at the appt. I had to go out and run errands with a completely soaked lap on both sides and I was even wearing my 'cute butt' jeans since I was going to see Joy, of course! hehe! (read this post if you have no idea what I'm talking about!)

Cool dudes at Grandpa's!

Getting checked over by our chiropractor...she's all good!

Hanging out with G & G!

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