Saturday, August 15, 2009

I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!

Remember in this post where I talked about geo-caching??? And remember when I said that there was this nano-cache that we were looking for but couldn't find??? Well, guess what?!?! I FOUND IT!!!!! But it wouldn't have happened if my friend hadn't helped me.... Yes, that's right...someone else on this planet that I know geocaches except my dad!!!! I could hardly believe it when my friend Jessica emailed me after reading my blog to tell me her and her husband had found that cache with some friends before! Are you serious?!? She checked the spot the next time she was at the park and assured me it was still there.

I went out with Nathan a few days back to try to find it but the boys started picking all the flowers (imagine that?!) in the gardens so he thought it was time to leave. I called Jessica to make sure my dad's coordiates were right and that we were indeed looking in the correct vacinity. We were. then I asked her how big it was. I knew it was a nano *meaning small* but I didn't know how small and it's a little hard to find something when you don't know what you are looking for. She said it wasn't any bigger than the little tip of your finger. Are you serious?!? Okay....what color is it? Black. Is it on the bench? I just had a feeling it was on the bench.....yep she said! Perfect! I knew where to look when I went back.

The next day I loaded up the kids and hauled them out to the park to look (and hopefully find!) the nano-cache. AND I DID IT!!!

Getting closer.....

.....and closer....

Oh....I think I felt something....

Yep! The nano cache!

The top screwed off and a little tiny roll of paper was found inside to write your geocaching name and date on it.

That is so tiny!

No bigger than the tip of your finger....

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