Monday, March 21, 2011

My baby's TWO!

Today is my baby's birthday! Sweet Ariella turned TWO today!!

We hurried out of the house to go bounce at the Bounce Depot today with some friends! I figured I would use the birthday as an excuse to get out of the house and do something fun :) I thought the boys would like it more than her, but I'm pretty sure she did the most playing, going around and around the "Crazy Mazy" for the younger ones! Ana got a great work out too trying to keep up with her the whole time :)

Probably the funniest thing about her whole birthday celebration was the fact that she was the ONLY girl, the rest were boys....10 of them to be exact, HA!

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" was what Ariella was saying during this picture! She is usually a ham for pictures but for some reason she didn't want to stand by all those boys...guess I don't blame her :)

So who were all these boys?? Well, our 3 of course...then our neighbors Weston (4) and Walker (2)... and friends from church we just met Eli (5), Sam (4), and Jonah (2)...who brought their cousins Nick (7) and Ryan (4). So, yes...10 little boys and 1 little girl. But ya know, I don't think she even noticed. In fact, I don't think she's ever played with a little girl before, besides a few mins with her cousin.

The plan was to get to the Bounce Depot at 9. We got there first and realized it didn't open til 10! Ah! It was one of the first times I ever planned anything with friends outside of my home and I had the time wrong! Go figure! So with a couple phone calls, we decided to just meet at the mall and play on the little play things there until it opened. It worked out just fine :)

We bounced until shortly after 11, stopped at picked up some Legos at Toys R Us for the boys, swung by the grocery store and made it home for lunch! After some pb&j and grapes, Ariella went down for her much needed nap and she is still sleeping as I type this...(it is now 4pm :)

We will have a nice relaxing evening, probably snuggling and watching a movie. Aren't birthdays when you are two a blast?! :)

Pic of Ana and I before church on Sunday

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Ariella! It sounds like she had lots of fun!
