Saturday, March 26, 2011

My co-op order

Since this picture was taken a few weeks ago from my last co-op order, I had meant to do this post before....but that seems like it's the theme now-a-days so just bare with me :)

Some people are curious about what exactly I get from my co-op (Azure Standard)....well, this is exactly what this post is about!! Here is a picture of all things I ordered last month...

And what exactly is that?? Well....8 lbs of frozen strawberries, 10 pounds frozen blueberries, 10 lbs of oatmeal, 20 pounds of oranges (.40/lb!), 18 pounds of apples (.63/lb organic!), 15 pounds potatoes (.69/lb organic!), bag of onions, 2 bags of celery, 3 whole chickens, banana & cherry flavors (natural) for my homemade yogurt, & 3 containers of spritzers!

I just put in our order yesterday for this month and I'll be getting that order Thursday of next week. My orders tend to be a lot of the same things...always order whatever produce they have available...apples, potatoes, etc, and then I'll get most other things every other month or whenever we need them. For example, last month I didn't order wheat berries because I had some left but this month I need them again so that was on my order (although they were out and I need to find somewhere else to get them!) another thing is honey. We usually order a gallon of it every other month or so.

The things on my order for this month were....

8 lbs frozen strawberries (gotta love those things for smoothies and snacks!)
1 lb organic raisins
big container of real sea salt
parchment paper...yep, they have non-grocery items too!
aluminum free baking powder
one container of spritzers
50 lbs of wheat berries (that isn't coming...humph!)
10 lbs froz blueberries...these things are awesome to eat plain or in muffins!
5 lbs oatmeal
10 lbs free range chicken
3 lbs whole wheat pasta
5 lb organic carrots
15 lbs organic potatoes
25 lbs no spray oranges (which also aren't coming...bummer!)
fresh organic cauliflower
fresh organic brocolli
bag of organic lollipops...husband loves these almost more than the kids! And NO dyes! :)
quart of organic pure maple syrup
3 lbs organic onions
1 bunch organic celery
big jar of safflower mayo
almost 7 pounds of sprouted wheat tortillas
20 lbs of organic apples

And the cost??? $200.56

That's a lot of food....and a lot of it is at real good prices (like the organic produce mentioned above!) Some people think that eating healthy and organic is expensive and it is if you don't know where to shop or how to make stuff from scratch. (Like if you go and buy the "organic" frozen dinners each week because it makes you feel better because they say organic....yeah, that's not saving you any money. But if you spend a little time in the kitchen, you'll be able to keep a LOT of that cash in your pocket!!

1 comment:

  1. I order from Azure here is Kansas! Love their food and YES it is very affordable!

    Rachelle - KS
