Saturday, December 21, 2013

Facebook status--April

April 2
Sick. I have no other words....well, I have a lot of them, just not for on here...
Photo: Please SHARE!

April 2
I'm speechless. Anyone pregnant or even thinking about having kids needs to watch the video she links to at the end of the article. It's EXTREMELY difficult to watch and more so with the volume on. If anyone says that babies don't feel this, listen to this little guy. And 20,000 nerve endings?...think about that. Wow. Please be informed before you make your decision. (on baby circumcision)

April 4
I think anyone could tell that my kids are ready for warmer weather and that its been rather cold here for a loooong time. Caedmon comes in from outside "Mom! It's summer out there!! It's SMOOPER hot!" Temp says '42 feels like 35' Ha! 

April 5
Alma wrote:
Thank God for painting it calms me!! But here is the painting I been working on for a while but it finally done and hanging at Foley high!! This is my attempt of painting my baby cousin!! — with Dawn Legatt.
Photo: Thank God for painting it calms me!! But here is the painting I been working on for a while but it finally done and hanging at Foley high!! This is my attempt of painting my baby cousin!!

April 5
Apricot chicken, roasted asparagus, homemade dinner rolls, fresh pumpkin torte...and now no hubby  ::sigh:: I guess he can enjoy the leftovers 

April 6
Do any Calvary people know if the k & under during the service classes are still going on tomorrow since there is no sunday school before?

April 9
Having my groceries delivered never.gets.old.....ever.

April 12
"Newer" means "different". Crazy when I compared mine! Just skipped right over those verses!

April 12
That's disgusting. Barbara McKeever, you might wanna convince Dad to drink something else....
Are you a Mountain Dew addict? Then know what you're drinking! BVO is a toxic chemical that is banned in many countries because it competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body, which can lead to hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The main ingredient, bromine, is a poisonous, corrosive chemical, linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss.

"There’s flame retardant in your Mountain Dew. That soda with the lime-green hue (and other citrus-flavored bubbly pops) won’t keep your insides fireproof, but it does contain brominated vegetable oil, a patented flame retardant for plastics that has been banned in foods throughout Europe and in Japan.

Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, which acts as an emulsifier in citrus-flavored soda drinks, is found in about 10 percent of sodas sold in the U.S.

“After a few extreme soda binges — not too far from what many [video] gamers regularly consume – a few patients have needed medical attention for skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders, all symptoms of overexposure to bromine,” according to a recent article in Environmental News."

April 13
Gettin' the itch again to go to Dave Ramsey's counselor training. Ooooooo, so fun!!!
April 17
So is anyone looking for a reason to go to Nashville this summer?  In other words, travel buddy anyone?

April 18
My mom is awesome. The little kids get their school in with Gma every week. She has one whole room in her house transformed into a classroom for them. — withBarbara McKeever.
Photo: My mom is awesome. The little kids get their school in with Gma every week. She has one whole room in her house transformed into a classroom for them.

April 18
Local folks!...If I hosted a FPU (financial peace university by Dave Ramsey) class in my home, who would be interested in attending?? It'd be one night per week for 9 weeks, prob starting sometime in May. I would LOVE to get a class going soon, so let me know!

April 19
Yay for emeals!! Signed up (again) for emeals and LOVE it!! Gives u a weeks worth of suppers at a time, complete w a grocery list! You can even pick which plan (gluten free, low carb, etc) you want (I chose Paleo). Only $5/mo (or less when u use the promo code) & takes all the stress out of planning meals! Click on this link to learn more or sign up!!

April 22
If anyone is craving pizza tonight, my boys' school is having a fundraiser from 5-8pm at Pizza Ranch in Waite Park. Just mention you're there to support Petra school and the school gets a percentage of what you spend! Thanks!

April 22
Jen Wendland posted:
Hi Dawn, FYI I will be up in St. Cloud from Tuesday-Friday this week for a Lab Conference. I will be with my instructors and classmates and staying at the Best Western Kelly Inn. I will be in sessions each day until 4. Except Friday done at noon and heading back home. Not sure if it would work out to meet sometime during my stay up there, let me know!

April 29
It's the hubby's birthday today!! The kids are more excited than he is  He's not on FB so if you have his number, I'm sure he'd be surprised w a happy birthday text! 

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