Saturday, December 21, 2013

Facebook status--March

March 2
Boooo to husbands working Saturdays when there's shopping that needs to be done!

March 2
Oh man, bad choice. I shoulda stayed home. Traffic & people are insane.

March 5
Wow! That's so cool!! Someone will have to let me know if you ever do this and if its correct!     
(looking at the positioning of the placenta in week 6-7 in pregnancy to determine sex of baby, 90 some percent accurate)

March 9
Tiernan (who's had the task of 'babysitting' Jaeger this afternoon) talking to Caedmon "will you babysit Jaeger while I play outside?"...then whispers to him "I think you'll get a quarter." Caedmon says "I'll babysit!!" Ha, cheapest sitters yet!! 

March 11
Anyone have a history with planning fundraisers or which ones have the most success, etc?

March 12
SPRING CLEANING?!?! I am going to have a garage sale in early June and donate the proceeds to my boys' school to buy educational items. If you'd like to donate anything between now and then (ie: bring stuff to me instead of goodwill) I would really appreciate it!! Thanks!!

March 13
Please READ this!! Seriously, you have no idea what freedoms are being taken from us and what destructive things they are doing to our health, without wanting to even inform us. Aspartame is NOT ok. This is horribly wrong.  (FDA allowing aspartame into dairy products)

March 13
Duck dynasty...need I say more?  love how they follow Jesus!

March 13
And, again....patriarch Phil Robertson of the wildly popular (&hilarious) show Duck Dynasty explains how to came to know Christ. Awesome.

March 15
Wow!!! They are amazing!! The last 30 seconds is the best!! Seriously have no idea how they memorize this! Talent!!  (youtube video: Swiss top secret drum corps)

March 21
Happy 4th birthday to our sweet Ariella!

Photo: Happy 4th birthday to our sweet Ariella!

March 22
awesome interview!  (Duck Dynasty's Jase Robertson at Oklahoma Christian)

March 23
What a long, boring day. Any good netflix recommendations?

March 24
Tagged in pics...



March 27
Yesterday the final Legatt sibling was married so now I have a full 22 brothers and sisters in laws!!! Congrats to Naomi & Joe! — with Naomi Michel and Joe Michel.

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