Saturday, December 21, 2013

Facebook status--February

February 2
Here's a tip for reducing your amt of laundry: have the guys (esp) in your home dry off with a hand towel after a shower/bath. They don't have hair to wrap up in it and a lot more of those can fit in the wash then big bath towels!!

February 3
Three youngest with the stomach flu....both ends. This could be a looooong night. Prayers are appreciated!

February 10
So happy my husband is HERE snowed in instead of THERE snowed in!!! 

February 13
I'm going on a kid-less lunch date with a great friend and I'm so excited!  — withCassie Magno.

February 13
Anyone bored tonight and wanna help me watch my kids at the Skatin Place?? 

February 15
There will be a house warming (for their rental home) and open house for theForsman family next Saturday the 23rd from 1-4pm at Fellowship Bible Church in St. Cloud. 2500 Maine Prairie Rd. Stop by for a cup of tea and visit with Diane and her girls. Replacement items that are still needed can be found at

February 15
Looking forward to relaxing at a friend's house this evening....although now that I think about it, its kinda funny that I would call having 2 adults and 12 children 9 & under relaxing....  — with Angel Larsen.

February 18
Our baby boy is ONE today!!!! Happy Birthday, Jaeger Brave!!!
Photo: Our baby boy is ONE today!!!! Happy Birthday, Jaeger Brave!!!


February 19
I absolutely LOVE this song! Perfect harmony that gives you goose bumps and amazing lyrics. Love it.  (Anthem Lights "Can't Get Over You")

February 20
Duck Dynasty makes us happy, happy, happy.

February 23
Gettin' ready to celebrate our firstborn's birthday!!! Happy day, Tiernan, can't believe you're 8!!!

February 24
Lunches packed, snow gear rounded-up, backpacks ready....all set for the older boys to go to school tomorrow! So excited!

February 24
How our schooling decision came about

February 25
I know I still have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old and 1 yr old at home but MAN, I feel like I have no kids! Maybe I should take a 

February 25
Well I'd say it was a successful lunch day! Lol! Not a crumb left! 
Photo: Well I'd say it was a successful lunch day! Lol! Not a crumb left! :)

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