Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Birthday & office pic

Yesterday was my birthday and I got to hang out w Melissa! My mom had the 2 littles so I was free til school got out! I ran a couple errands, picked up my free coffee from 360 and met up w Melissa and her friend from out of state for some onion rings at the mall (of course!) & then lunch at mecican village! After school we headed out to moms to get the littles and have supper. She so kindly got all the stuff to make reubens! I was going to go to FPU w my dad but it wasn't done until 8pm and since 1) it's a school night and 2) Nathan and I go to bed at like 7:45pm, it was too late!! (4am comes quick!). It was a good day!! :)

The pic is before of the girls' room turned into an office for Nathan. I LOVE it!!! Now our bedroom is freed of all that clutter of the bookshelf, desk, smaller dresser, etc.  It's so nice!!

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