Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving wknd

Thanksgiving was spent this year at our good friends' house.  I knew the food was going to be yummy as soon as I stepped out of the van in their driveway, I could smell it! Reminded me of being up north at my grandma's and my aunt carol's house.  We brought over jello and I helped with the gravy, they did the rest. What a blessing!

We spent some of the weekend relaxing and some time reorganizing the entry way. For now it's a little less cluttered and makes for more air space making it feel bigger. We'll see how long we keep it like this before we change it again :)

On Friday, we didnt do any black Friday shopping but instead went into 360 cafe for free drinks and free erberts & gerberts subs! I love that place! Even all the kids got their own steamed milk with vanilla :)

We finally figured out what was causing the nasty burning smell when the ceiling fan or lights were turned on. (I noticed it quite awhile ago but had the switch taped down until we could figure it out.) Some part completely melted & cracked open!

We really wanted to watch football today but since we don't have tv, that's kind of s problem. Well we found our bunny ears antenna (that only has one full "ear") and tried to get it to work. No luck. So I had the idea of connecting 2 cords together so the antenna would reach outside. With a little fanageling of the wires, it worked! And we were able to watch the game! Patriots vs Packers & packers won :)

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