Thursday, January 1, 2015


There was a stray cat at the salon for a couple days and to my surprise, when Caedmon and so went to go drop some stuff off there, it was still around! It was -20 wind chill out and the cat was so cold and shivering. It seemed like a nice cat that would let us pet it (maybe it just wanted in?) But I called Nathan and asked if we could bring it home. We couldnt just leave it out in the cold!

We brought it (still really don't know if its a boy or girl, lol) home and for now, has taken up residence in our garage. I stopped at the grocery store quick on the way back home to pick up a bag of cat food while caedmon stayed in the van w the cat. It didn't seem to mind the car ride and crawled all over my lap and even put its paws on my arms while looking out the window.

We left the garage door cracked a bit so it could let itself out to go potty (didn't have a litter box). Later that day, we were going to town to have oil changes on both cars and decided to swing by walmart to get some litter box stuff. While we were gone, we shut the garage door and left the cat in it. Nathan was worried that we'd have a mess when we got back but it was just laying on its blanket when we returned and no messes. Once we had the litter box down, a few mins later the kids exclaimed "it pooped!" So litter box trained it is! Yay!

It is still a kitten we think bc it is fairly small and still a little playful. It doesn't shed much (didn't get any hair on my black sweatshirt), is super cute, and is so friendly w all the kids. It even passed the Selah test. Selah was grabbing (more like pinching) it and pulling its tail and the cat never even flinched.

The kids brought it inside every so often today, only into the bathroom, to let it warm up and give it some attention. The cat seemed to love every minute of it, esp when laying on the rug in front of the heat vent. We will take it to the vet on Friday (tomorrow is new years) and get it checked out and then set up a time to get it declawed etc. Then it will be ours and can most likely have a spot in our home.

We NEVER wanted animals inside and always said wed say no to that but there comes a point where we have to put our anal selves aside and have a little fun. Our kids are only young once and Tiernan is already half way out of the house. We aren't on our farm yet, and seeing how much joy and excitement this little kitty is bringing to us and our kids...well, we think it's prob worth it. :)

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