Saturday, February 7, 2015

Back to the old ways?

I think I should go back to using my camera, uploading pics and then doing posts on the computer. Seems like evwv though I have the tools at my finger tips with a camera and a posting app right in my phone, I still did way more posts in "the old days" hmmmm!

It's coming full circle for tiernan. We changed his diapers for how many years and now he gets to change someone else's. Ha! Love it!

Crazy hair day at school. The boys weren't that crazy. Just spiked w a mohawk but since their hair is short, it wasn't that noticeable.

Today I showed Justin, the guy who bought the salon from me back in nov, the salon for the first time! That was fun and hopefully within a couple weeks, he will fully take it over, yippee!

Caedmons free hand drawing of the US. So good for an 8 yr old. His spatial ability is mind blowing. He started w Maine & worked his way east.

Nathan put in a new ceiling fan the other day. I underestimated his ability. He actually did it very quickly and it's so much quieter than our old one! Glad that one went out! Although it was kinda scary bc it pretty much melted the whole inside and smelled really bad. Glad it didn't start a fire.

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