Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Baby London

A little over a month ago now, I was super blessed to be apart of my friend Melissa's birth of her 7th child!!  This was her second birth I was able to be at and it was so wonderful!  She had been trying to hold out til 36 weeks so she could have another home birth, but just a few days shy, baby was too excited to come into the world, and she ended up with a hospital birth.  It was a great experience for me to be a part of though since I've never been in a hospital for a birth before!

Her water broke at home on Thursday, May 28th around 4:30 and they headed to the hospital shortly after.  She figured it would be a long night, so I stayed home and slept and just waited to hear from her.  She texted me in the morning and I decided to head in.

Getting to the hospital around 7am, I found Melissa and Devin just chilling in the room, waiting for progression to happen!  We waited and waited, walked and waited some more.  Come on baby!!  Things finally started picking up in the evening and just when Devin and I thought we'd get comfy on the couch and the chair, Melissa got very uncomfortable and the nurse said "it's time to have a baby!".

Exactly at the stroke of midnight on Friday evening/Saturday morning, London Angela Grace was born!!  She was so super tiny at 5lbs 7oz.  Everyone's healthy, yay!!

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